Activity Log | 6.19.2021 | Sat. | 7.55 hrs

  • Refined: Data Journal, Word docs for written trade/mistake/success analysis,
  • Updated: Key Takeaways, Mistakes, Successes,
  • Created: Successes page & posted all content.

Updating formulas in data journal to have trade number in front of all mistakes & successes & key takeaways etc. Finishing data deposit to site. Finishing refining format for base trade data to be distilled. Your machines are refineries for your personal performance data, and you are distilling lessons to assist you moving forward in your trading journey. Edited word docs for written data for categories on site to be uniform, refined system to filter up by time frames: when I note mistakes for day, I distill the written words of mistakes into a few short sentences; for mistakes for weeks, I take the distilled sentences from the days & distill them further, and for months, even further distillation until we eventually refine steadfast principles to abide by. Deposited all successes data onto site & created pages for Daily, weekly, monthly, successes on site & formatted accordingly.