- Charted: 8.22
- Game Planned: 8.23
- Organized: Desktop
- Published: 8.12.2021 Trade Review
- Studied: Lesson with Dragon, Jessie Livermore, Mark Douglass, Mike Bellafiore, Lawrence McMillan, Umar Ashraf, UK SpreadBetting
- Updated: Activity Log (D), Goals (D,W)
Overview: Most meaningful activity was 1.5 hour lesson with dragon over discord, convincing him to send me fills & showing him & Ryan screenshots of some of my trades. Finished thorough review of trading days from last week, & more or less gathered myself for following week, with some study in between. Other than that, this seemed to have been a week in which chaos from weekend in Denver seeped into my productivity, whether it was recovery, or whatever. Must note this, must note this. There is no time for such indulgence at this juncture. Additionally there was the Cohort Camping obligation with Carl the following weekend. Overall this was a week of poor focus, in large part due to social obligations. Spent meaningful time listening to Hank Paulson book, but as is noted, audiobook hours do not count.
Activity Log | 8.17.2021 | Tue. | .45 hrs
Studied: Umar Ashraf, UK SpreadBetting
Activity Log | 8.18.2021 | Wed. | 5.1 hrs
Updated: Activity Log (D)
Reviewed: 8.12.2021
Studied: Lawrence McMillan
Activity Log | 8.19.2021 | Thu. | .77 hrs
Studied: Jessie Livermore, Mark Douglass, Mike Bellafiore
Activity Log | 8.20.2021 | Fri. | 1.5 hrs
Studied: ITU Discord Lesson with Dragon
Activity Log | 8.21.2021 | Sat. | 1.23 hrs
Organized: Desktop
Reviewed: 8.12.2021
Activity Log | 8.22.2021 | Sun. | 4.45 hrs
Published: 8.12.2021 Trade Review
Updated: Goals (D,W)
Game Planned