Successes | 8.12.2021 | Thursday

  • Titanium Terry T’s.
  • Held through pullback with reasonable justification.
  • Exited on signs of weakness.

Overview: Massive win holding through discomfort with justified reasoning. Did not succumb to fear, addressing a named issue that I’ve been having. I consciously identified fear and identified it for what it was at the time: irrational. I then let price action guide my decisions, knowing to give the trade time to at least test the ema’s, which it did successfully, leading me to be able to secure a meaningful profit. Locked in profits based on levels and walked away while ahead. Fantastic day, fantastic trade

-Trade 1 Successes: I addressed previous shortcomings by holding through some dips. I was not a peewee paper hands weenie. I was disciplined at the pullback, I let the EMAs on the 1 & 5 min guide me and reassure me that the trend was still intact, and that a break below these lines MAY indicate a switch in sentiment, but not to fret otherwise. In doing so I was able to hold through to a profit. I took profits at my predetermined level, selling into the final surges of strength. I waited for confirmation above key level for entry and sold at next key level, I followed my plan & was calm & collect throughout. I had the wind of the trend at my back on larger time frames, I gave time for the price action to hold before entering and scaled out at an appropriate level based on the planned trade style. Sold into strength, sold likely to those chasing the move, was cognizant of this & leveraged what I imagine was FOMO of others to lock in my own profits. (Be careful with this speculation, this ‘mind reading’, I don’t exactly know what was happening on the other end of my trade, only the levels that have been established & respected over time.) I’m tempted to say this is my best trade to date. I am thoroughly proud of this trade.

-Trade 2 Successes: Got out while I was ahead, locked in profits, anticipated deliberation & reversal & exited. Sold into strength. Certainly my best scale out trade to date, though I’ve only executed a few so far. |