- Protected Significant Profits
- Held through discomfort
- Trusted & trade levels
- Followed Game Plan
Overview: I capitalized on a perfect move, I took healthy profits, I protected my profits, and I walked away. I did an incredible job and this is another brick on my journey. Of course there is refinement to be had, and more I could have done and plenty to learn from, but it should not detract from the fact that given your position in your journey, you did incredibly well with the level of expertise you currently have and this is a trade to be celebrated, not only because it’s your biggest yet, but because of the intent & method with which it was executed
–Trade 1 Successes: I protected significant profits. I held on through some discomfort, I traded levels, I followed the plan that I’d made for the trade and capitalized in a meaningful way. This is my biggest single scalp trade to date, and I walked away with a win. I’m finding myself teetering on regret for this trade, but given the current status of my trading wherein I’m using only one contract, I feel the actions I took were appropriate. Yes there was more to be had on this trade, but I had planned to scalp, I had planned to be in and out, and that is what I did. |