Activity Log | 7.14.2021 | Wed. | 4.28 hrs

  • Updated | Activity Log: 7.12.2021, 7.14.2021
  • Updated | Site: Sidebars
  • Updated | Goals Journal: Week 29, 7.14.2021
  • Studied | OptionHub
  • Studied | Youtube: Charles Schwab
  • Studied | Investopedia: Primary & Secondary Markets, Brokerages, Exchanges, IPOs
  • Studied | Wikipedia: Charles Schwab, Charles Schwab Inc.

Overview: Updated Activity log. Updated site, Updated Goals Journal. Outlined todo items for today and tomorrow and got more clear on where I’m at and where I want to go for the week, cascading into the month. By defining categories of activities you can more clearly guide your focus. Continue refining language around actions. Distill it to its purest form. Studied Charles Schwab, Bought audiobook, Created Word doc to begin collecting quotes again, for now just creators in fields related to caduceus pursuits, but felt reminiscent of past quote collecting. Studied brokerages & exchanges, began to get clarity on the difference between brokerages & exchanges, Primary & Secondary markets, the role investment banks play in IPOs, & the greater world of finance. Felt illumination beginning to happen, just beginning. Updated activity log.

Links Watched:
OptionHub | Wick Fill Strategy | Q&A 2/02
Youtube | David Rubenstein | Famed Investor Charles Schwab on The David Rubenstein Show

Links Read:
Investopedia | Why Open Interest and Trading Volume Matter to Options Traders
Investopedia | Secondary Market
Investopedia | Initial Public Offering (IPO)
Investopedia | A Look at Primary and Secondary Markets
Investopedia | Primary vs. Secondary Capital Markets: What’s the Difference?
Investopedia | Float Definition
Investopedia | Broker
Investopedia | The Biggest Stock Brokerage Firms in the U.S.
Investopedia | The definitive list of the best online brokers
Investopedia | Brokerage Fee
Investopedia | Private Equity
Business Wire | Schwab Completes Acquisition of TD Ameritrade
Wikipedia | Charles R. Schwab
Wikipedia | Charles Schwab Corporation