Study Journal | 7.17.2022 | Sunday

Option Hub

  • You can’t control your emotions, but you can control your reactions.
  • Must stop trading after two consecutive losses. Almost no trader will do well after this point.
  • You must focus ONLY on your watchlist.
  • Benzinga Pro for News.
  • 90% of his trading style was scalping.
  • Think of profits as the market’s money more so as you grow the account. Once you have cushion money.
  • 20 days traded over 3 months
  • Take profits and get out.
  • Very picky with trades while building cushion. Must build cushion.
  • TradeStation is good.
  • He is Umar’s brother. Went to his wedding. He says this 1:19:20

Pt 2

  • 2 consecutive losses you stop trading.
  • If there’s a long line at the store you wouldn’t pay an extra 100 for a candy bar. same goes for when you’re late to enter a trade that everybody else wants lmao.
  • market watch major us economic reports and fed speakers.
  • 107