- Followed Game Plan
- Traded Levels
- Successfully executed first Scaling out Trade
- Executed Excellent, prescient analysis
- Did not let winner become loser
Overview: You successfully executed your very first scale out trade, which is to be lauded. You had a plan and sized appropriately to where you’re at in your trading journey, you executed according to the levels you’d laid out prior to trading, you did not get greedy & as a result of your proper planning & scaling out strategy you captured a healthy portion of the larger move. On your X Trade you did an incredible job with your analysis, you were spot on with trend, you were in the absolute right stock even at the right time, but you made one mistake, and it negated all of the excellent preparatory work you’d executed. You failed to do due diligence to familiarize yourself with the price action of this new sector and employ the appropriate trading style to capitalize on the inevitable move, a move that you anticipated and predicted and were thoroughly correct on. But again, as for successes, your analysis of the greater trend was absolutely correct. TRUST YOUR ANALYSIS. You did well to scale out, even if it was for the wrong reasons, and you protected profits well on your final trade, or at least you did not let a winner become a loser. This is still a success.
-Trade 1 Successes: You traded the levels you planned, you exited when you said you would and you successfully scaled out, a big win as this is the first scaling out trade you’ve ever done. You traded according to the scalp plan you had. You had a successful scaling out scalp. Fantastic Exit. Very pleased with this.
-Trade 2 Successes: Successfully executed first scale out trade & did well in this second part of trade: the remaining trailing contract section.
-Trade 3 Successes: My analysis was spot on, my levels were nearly perfect, my sizing was healthy & reasonable. My execution negated all of these positives that I had going for me. I let emotions, fear cloud me and I had no faith in my analysis, which, once again proved to be spot on. |
-Trade 4 Successes: Protected downside, had healthy enough entry before re break of level, had trend in favor. |
-Trade 5 Successes: Protected “Profits” Did not let winner become loser at the very least.