Activity Log | 7.2.2021 | Fri. | 3.95 hrs

  • Updated: Successes, Mistakes, Key Takeaways, Weekly Trade Journal, Solace Instagram.
  • Created: Caduceus Scythe Charts
  • Created: Beginnings of framework for focusing/planning Daily & Weekly Activity

Finished compiling & updating all daily & weekly success, mistakes, key takeaway journals on site to date, updated weekly trade journal on site to date, updated solace instagram to date, created charts in Caduceus Scythe tool to visually reflect activity hourly equity curves for May & June. Began brainstorming/planning out activity plan for upcoming week & laying out realistic goals for what I want to get done. Thorough analysis of my activity is giving me a heightened awareness & realistic expectation of what I can accomplish in a set time, daily, weekly, or monthly, and as a result an elevated awareness on how best to manage/deploy my focus accordingly.