Mistakes | Week 26 | 2021

  • Did not protect sufficient profits. Establish explicit rules for protecting profits.
  • Peewee Paper-hands. Employ Onyx stone.
  • Did not Trust Levels.

Overview: While I walked away green on all of my trades, I left a bulk of the paper profit on the table due in large part to not giving trades time to work out & not trusting my levels. While I’m proud of the work I did to cure the last major mistake I was making, which was not protecting paper profits at all and letting winners become losers, I’ve now graduated on to the next set of skills to refine: namely getting the most out of the good trades that I do find myself in. It seems that the path forward to achieving this goal is having more faith in my technical analysis & letting trades play out. Green is green, and my taking profit on the trades I did was an act to protect my mental capital as well as my actual capital. So, I am satisfied with how this week ended, & also see the path forward in continuing to refine my trading acumen.

Mistakes | 6.22.2021 | Tuesday

  • Did not protect sufficient profits. Must establish explicit rules for protecting profits.
  • Did not protect sufficient profits. Must establish explicit rules for protecting profits.

Mistakes | 6.23.2021 | Wednesday

  • Late Entry.
  • Peewee Paper-hands. Did not Trust Levels. Employ Onyx stone.
  • Peewee Paper-hands. Did not Trust Levels. Employ Onyx stone.