- Develop greater tolerance for Fluctuations.
- Trust your levels. Play in between Levels. Respect Candle Close rules at levels.
- Give trades time to work out. Exercise patience & resolve. Employ Onyx stone.
- Must follow your game plan on EXITS as well as ENTRIES.
- Eliminate Peewee Paper-hands trading. Employ Onyx stone.
Overview: Mostly just need to develop tolerance for fluctuations and respect levels. Slowly but surely am developing this, particularly as the cushion I have is starting to build. Know your plan, your trading style, your levels and respect them. Make trading as mechanical as possible.
Trade 1 Key Takeaways: Must develop a stronger stomach for fluctuations. Trust your levels & give trades time to work out. Hold your onyx stone during trade to keep your trigger happy exit finger preoccupied & keep yourself from exiting out of fear. I gave this trade time to work out, and part of it was not intentional, I was distracted watching other trades. I had I been just watching this it’s likely I would’ve paper handed it & gotten out much earlier than I did. but I would only ever just glance at it, see it was still above my levels & then look away & let it work out. I need bring this type of execution to my trades more consciously, I need to develop the stomach for fluctuations. I am slowly but surely doing so but it must remain top of mind so that It’s a skill I cultivate with meaningful intent. |
Trade 2 Key Takeaways: Must follow your game plan on EXITS as well as ENTRIES. exercise patience & resolve trades time to work out, and trusting your levels Must adhere to plan of letting candles close. Protecting profits is a healthy practice and you have done well in doing so but you must begin to exercise patience & resolve in following your plans to the letter, giving trades time to work out, and trusting your levels
Trade 3 Key Takeaways: Trust your levels & play in between them. Give trade time to work out & candles to close near your levels.