- Traded: 4 Days (6.3, 6.9, 6.22, 6.23)
- Charted: 4 Days (6.2, 6.8, 6.21, 6.22)
- Game Planned: 4 Days (6.3, 6.9, 6.22, 6.23)
- Read:
- TAST | 56 Pages (Finished 1st Round)
- The New Trading for a Living | 44 Pages (Started)
- Reviewed:
- Trade Performance | Daily (6.3, 6.9, 6.22, 6.23), Weekly (23,24,26), Monthly (May)
- Game Plans | Daily (6.22)
- Studied:
- Option Hub
- Trades with Rama (Finished)
- Francis Hunt
- Youtube & Other
- Created:
- Solace Website
- Activity Logs (D, W, M)
- Format for tracking study links
- Key Takeaway Journal (D, W, M)
- Success Journal (D, W, M)
- Mistake Journal (D, W, M)
- Game Plan Journal (D, W)
- Activity Logs (D, W, M)
- Trading Hierarchy Pyramid
- Solace Website
- Organized:
- Computer
- Trading Folder
- Solace Image Files Google Drive
- Refined:
- Data Journal
- Caduceus Scythe
- Charting Tool
- Solace Website
- Trade Review Journal (D, W, M)
- Activity Logs (D, W, M)
- Format for tracking study links in site
- Trade Journal formatting for trades/mistakes/successes/activity logs
- How to Trade Matrix
- Game Plan Tool
- Updated:
- Game Plan Journal (D)
- Activity Logs (D,W,M)
- Caduceus Scythe
- Trade Journal | Daily (6.3, 6.9, 6.22, 6.23), Weekly (23,24,26), Monthly (May)
- Solace Instagram
Overview: Overall this was a month of defining & refining my procedures to trade well, & creating the tools to assist me in doing so, then executing on them. Another month of intense tool building, systemizing procedures, and massive attempt at birds eye awareness of my performance, my trajectory, my position in this journey to mastery of trading. A bulk of the month dedicated to conceptualizing my own learning process and imprinting it—the creation of the website was the chief tool to meet this end. The purpose of these tools is to expedite to the greatest extent possible, my learning curve, and extract as much as possible out of my own experience, tendencies, & style. Because of these processes—and with great effort—I was able to trade 4 days in a manner that was acceptable, that was well done, without many avoidable mistakes. All mistakes I made were good ones in that they were new mistakes to learn from. This is the only way to move forward, and to learn well, as opposed to learning haphazardly; stupidly. In this pursuit of trading, I’d rather not perform at all than perform poorly: which is not to be confused with losing. I can perform well & still lose, likewise I can perform poorly and still win, which is the most insidious outcome of all, for it encourages, under the false guise of success, the solidification of detrimental habits. And so I resolved to trade only if I can trade well and according to the thorough procedure I’ve established. On each of the days I traded I was ready, I had done all I could to prepare and was engaging only after knowing I was doing so in the proper way. If I continue to proceed in this manner I believe I shall find success, and that after long the time it takes to execute these procedures well will diminish significantly as I become more proficient. And so overall this was a month of defining & refining my procedures to trade well, & creating the tools to assist me in doing so. Mastery is a distillation of understanding, & the execution on that understanding. Procedure is the means to that end. I’m building a distillery to meet that end. Directing it towards a goal.
Activity Log | Week 23 | 2021 | 33.82 hrs
5.31.2021 – 6.6.2021.2021 | 2029 min
- Updated/Refined: Game Plan Tool, Data Journal, Activity Log
- Reviewed & posted Trades daily & monthly
- Organized desktop
- Created Caduceus Activity Log, Weekly Activity Log, Daily & Weekly Key Takeaway Journal
- Charted
- Traded
Activity Log | Week 24 | 2021 | 29.68 hrs
6.7.2021 – 6.13.202 | 1781 min:
- Created: Key Takeaway Journals Daily / Weekly / Monthly
- Gameplanned: 6.9.2021
- Organized: Computer, Trade Folder, Solace image Files Google Drive
- Posted: Daily Mistakes, Key Takeaways, Solace Instagram
- Read TAST (Finished 1st Round) & The New Trading for a Living
- Refined: Data Journal, Caduceus Scythe, Final Trade Journal, How to Trade Doc, Weekly Review Journal
- Reviewed: 6.9.2021 & Month of May
- Studied Trading: Youtube
- Updated: Activity Log, Charting Tool, Game plan Journal, Game plan Tool, Weekly Activity Log, Caduceus Scythe.
- Traded: 1 Day
Activity Log | Week 25 | 2021 | 30.7 hrs
6.14.2021 – 6.20.2021 | 1842 min:
- Created: Solace Website, Caduceus Trading Hierarchy Pyramid Visual, Game Plans Page
- Refined: Solace Website, Trade journal word doc formatting for trades/mistakes/successes/activity logs, Data Journal
- Updated: All daily, weekly, monthly website Trade journals & images to date, Mistake, Successes, Key Takeaways,
- Activity logs on Site. All Solace Instagram Posts to date.
- Studied: Youtube.
- Reviewed: 6.9.2021 Game Plans
- Traded : 0 Days
Activity Log | Week 26 | 2021 | 40.9 hrs
6.28.2021 – 7.4.2021 | 2453 min:
- Charted
- Game Planned: 6.22.2021, 6.23.2021
- Traded: 6.22.2021, 6.23.2021
- Reviewed Trades: 6.22.2021, 6.23.2021
- Studied: Trades with Rama, OptionHub, Francis Hunt, Youtube & Other.
- Updated: Game Plan page, Daily Activity Log, Trade Journal (6.23.2021 & Week 26)
- Created & Refined: Format for tracking study links in site.