- Studied: Youtube
- Reviewed Trades: 6.23.2021
Studied youtube:
How Much Money I Made From Day Trading in 2020
Fastest way to Trade Options using TOS Active Trader
‘What is a CDO, CDO squared, Synthetic CDO and how did the 2008 crisis happened’
‘Live Trading with Umar Ashraf 10/18/19’
‘CDO (Collateralized Debt Obligation) that caused the global financial crisis’
The Key Variable That Can Cause Massive Moves in Stocks
6 Reasons Why Most Stock Traders Fail
Smart Money Traders Vs. Retail Weak Hands
Live Trading with Umar Ashraf 10/18/19
How I Lost $507,626 In ONE TRADE!
‘How Much Money I Made From Day Trading in 2020 ‘
‘Fastest way to Trade Options using TOS Active Trader’
‘The Crisis of Credit Visualized – HD’
Finished Trade Review & Posted to discord, posted to site, not yet compiled stats pages. | 418 min