- Refined: Trade Journal Format
- Created & Refined: Solace Site
- Created: Trading Hierarchy Pyramid Visual
Compiled Trade daily journals on 1 word doc titled ‘All Final Daily Trade Journals’, rather than having multiple docs split among different folders. Formatted & Exported cover pictures for daily weekly monthly yearly journals of each category on site. Created pages for Daily Weekly Monthly Successes Mistakes Key takeaways & activity logs & linked them accordingly. Created Trading Hierarchy of Activities Pyramid in Photoshop. Formatting Google Sheets versions of data collection for easy transfer to website. Deposited the rest of key takeaway data weekly & monthly to site, now everything is complete except for recent activity log & successes, which I haven’t compiled at all even in google sheets, was not sure if it was worth it. But considering doing so now. Need to spend more time on higher priority items according to trading hierarchy.